Around 3-4 months, when placed on their back, babies will start to kick. This makes them aware of how their feet and legs are connected to their bodies. This act of kicking is a very important part of their growth and development.
Here are some of the benefits of kicking
1. Develops gross motor skills and muscle strength
2. Gets the baby ready for rolling over
3. Baby develops spatial awareness as they learn more about the movement of their bodies
4. Cause and effect - When they kick and make a sound they realize they have the ability to intentionally make it move
7 activities for you to get your baby
1. Balloons
2. Kick and splash
3. Foil Blanket
4. Rattle Socks
5. Kicking Ball
The level 1 Montessori Box comes with a kicking ball that is easy to attach anywhere. Whether it is a playgym, car seat or stroller - you can give your baby the opportunity to practice kicking when you are on the go too. Kicking, just like most other skills developing at this age, shouldn’t be limited only to certain parts of the day or certain spaces.
6. Streamer Curtain
Reuse party streamers, fabric or even ribbon to create a curtain as shown in the image. Hang them from a play gym or door frame, but ensure that it is low enough for the baby's legs to reach. You can use alternate black and white colors from birth till 3 months and then add red, orange and yellow. Your baby will feel the different textures as well as see the curtain move as they kick. This gives them a sensory input while teaching cause and effect i.e the curtain moves when I kick.
7. Rotating Drum
Around 5 months Place a rotating drum near your baby’s legs and you will notice they will try to spin it with their feet. This improves spatial awareness while working on gross motor skills as they need to think how to move their legs to spin the drum