7 ways to use the play gym
Here's how you can use the play gym to develop some important skills in your little ones
How to talk to your baby
It can feel strange to talk to a baby who doesn’t talk back. Research proves there is a direct correlation between the number of words spoken and a child’s intellect. Here are some tips to talk to your baby…
5 Ideas for sensory play
Did you know, the first sense a baby develops is the sense of touch. Sensory activities help build nerve connections in the brain. Want to aid the process? Here are 5 taste safe sensory activities you can do with your baby…
7 ways to encourage baby to kick
Noticed your baby kicking a lot these days? Kicking is important for rolling over, crawling, muscle strength, body awareness and so much more. Discover 7 fun ways to encourage your baby to kick more ….
How to encourage your baby to coo
Coo-ing is one of the ways babies communicate. It prepares the baby's mouth muscles for talking and stimulates brain development. Do you want your baby to develop language skills quickly? Here's a guide to help you through the process...
Help, my baby hates tummy time!
Does your baby hate tummy time on the floor? Don't worry, here's a list of different positions you can try during tummy time…